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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.11.5
JEL: M31, D1, D9, B5, E

Sharing economy in the behaviour of young people in an economic crisis

The main purpose of the article is to identify the determinants of the generation C consumers' (digital natives) behaviour in the sharing economy area under the crises influence, in particular the global economic crisis caused by the pandemic and then the outbreak of war in Ukraine. The research concept used in the article was based on literature studies on the essence of crises and their impact on the behaviour of young adults as well as qualitative research using the method of focus group interviews (FGI). The first part of the considerations presents the essence of economic crises, which have been an inseparable element of the market economy since the beginning of this economy. In the next part, attention was drawn to the key importance of the economic crisis of 2008 and the global recession in the dissemination of the idea of sharing economy in the world. Then, the results of qualitative research were presented. The obtained empirical material was subjected to the semantic field analysis. The result was the reconstruction of two definitions clarifying the perception of sharing economy phenomenon during the crisis. In addition, postmodern personality types based on Zygmunt Bauman's concept were identified. The use of focus group interviews and the semantic field method allowed to diagnose the perception of the phenomenon by the digital natives generation, as well as the characteristics of its representatives in the context of the postmodern man concept.

Keywords: semantic field analysis; postmodern man; economic crisis; sharing economy; focus group interviews




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