Social media in shaping the image of the employer (in the opinion of different generations)
A positive image of the company is one of the determinants of the success of any company. It significantly influences gaining a competitive advantage which leads to a strong position in the market. Companies that maintain a positive image build trust among regular and potential consumers. An important issue in the subject of the image of the company is the image of the company as an employer, and one of the tools for building it are social media, which in today's society play an important communication function. In order to build a more effective image of the employer, the message should be directed to the target group, defined for example by belonging to a specific generation. Employees from different generations are characterized by certain features, needs and values, so it is important that communication channels are tailored to a specific recipient. The aim of the article is to systematize knowledge in the field of the image of the company as an employer, factors shaping it and the role of social media in the process of shaping a positive image. The method of research was survey research using the CAWI technique.
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