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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.6.5
JEL: D83, M12, O31, O32

The importance of knowledge in improving the efficiency of innovative activities of enterprises

The aim of the publication is to analyze and critically evaluate the selected literature and propose a new concept of knowledge management and innovation management based on the integration of these two functional areas into one systemic whole. To achieve this goal, research methods were used, such as: critical-cognitive analysis of selected literature, the descriptive and comparative method, and the projective method. These methods enabled a critical interpretation of key concepts such as: knowledge, its types, knowledge management; innovation, its types, innovation management. On the other hand, the projection method was used to develop and present original definitions: knowledge, knowledge management, innovation, innovation management, and to propose a model for integrating efficient knowledge management and innovation activity management. The indicated structural elements of the article determine its originality. They have significant cognitive and practical values for the managerial staff, enabling (after their application) a systemic transformation of a traditional enterprise into an innovative, knowledge-based, learning enterprise.

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Keywords: knowledge; innovation; enterprise; manager; knowledge management; innovation management




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