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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2019.11.10
JEL: M110, G300

The importance of visual control in the production process of the company from the metal industry

The article presents the results in the assessment of the importance of visual control (visual management) in the production process of aluminum profiles in an enterprise in the metal industry involved in the production of architectural aluminum profile systems. In order to assess the validity of the visual control, the "BOST - Toyota management rules in questions" questionnaire was used, where the respondents were production workers of the examined enterprise. The obtained survey data was subjected to statistical analysis to discover additional dependencies in the employees' responses. The result of the research was the ranking of the importance of factors in the production process and the place in this ranking of visual control. Visual control proved to be of great importance in the production process of aluminum profiles by employees, ranked second in the importance series among the six factors of the production process, which should be considered the result of the company's activities in the implementation and maintenance of an early detection system based on for visual control tools.

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Keywords: visual control; visual management; statistical analysis; metal industry


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