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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.9.4
JEL: 030, 031, 032, 043

The role of innovation culture in improving innovation activity of the organizations

The aim of the publication is to discuss, on the basis of selected literature, the essence of innovation, the essence of innovation culture, to explain the interrelation of these issues, to discuss the essence of innovation management in the environment of innovative culture. The following research methods were used to achieve this goal: critical and cognitive analysis of selected literature on the subject, descriptive method, comparative method and designing socio-economic models and systems method. These methods made it possible to critically interpret basic concepts such as: development, innovation, innovation management, organizational/innovation culture, innovation culture management. On the other hand, the designing socio-economic models and systems method was used to design models: rational management of the innovation process in the environment of innovation culture and a model of integration of innovation culture management and innovation activity in innovative organizations. The above-mentioned structural elements of the article determine its originality. They have important cognitive and utilitarian values for managers, creating (after their application) the possibility of systemic transformation of a traditionally managed organization into an organization managed by innovation in the environment of innovative culture.

Keywords: innovation; manager; innovation culture; organization; development; innovation management; innovation culture management



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