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The use of storytelling in press ads of cosmetics

Storytelling is a marketing tool that is more and more important in the 21st century. It's increasingly used in various forms of advertising. This is due to a surplus of marketing information and ads. That is why storytelling is being used to reach the consument and make him not only to watch, but also to understand and remember presented ad. Storytelling is a story about a product or a brand. The use of stories in marketing makes consuments more involved in advertising. They see them as something interesting, as stories arouse emotions, are better remembered and are entertaining. Such tools can be used in various forms of advertising and various types of product, such as press ads of cosmetics. The purpose of analyzing press ads of cosmetics was to investigate the use of storytelling in them. The research method used was content analysis. It turned out that the use of storytelling is currently at a different level depending on the category of cosmetics.

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Keywords: istorytelling; marketing; narrative marketing; press



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Journal of Marketing and Market Studies 4/2020
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