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Publishing policy

Publishing policy of the Material Economy and Logistics Journal​

  1. Everyone can send an article proposal (in Polish or English) to the editorial office. The text must be scientific in nature and refer to the broadly understood field of marketing. We do not judge texts based on the title or outline. 
  2. The text cannot be previously published or considered simultaneously for publication in another journal. After submitting the text, the authors can publish their article elsewhere only after they are notified the text has been rejected.
  3. By submitting a text for publication, the author declares they have full copyright to the text and agrees for its publication in the paper edition of the journal, which is the original edition, and on the Internet.
  4. Texts should be sent electronically to the address: gmil|| |gmil| (minimum volume: 0.5 sheet, maximum volume: 1 sheet – 40 thousand characters with spaces, with standard Word settings: Times New Roman 12, line spacing: 1.5, margins: 2.5). The text should contain the following elements (in the given order): 
    1. Title (in Polish and English). 
    2. Surname and first name of the author along with affiliation (affiliation to be provided from general to specific). 
    3. Abstract describing purpose of the article, its main theses and content. in Polish and English. 
    4. Keywords (up to 5) in Polish and English. 
    5. Text (divided by subheadings). 
    6. Footnotes (other than bibliographical). 
    7. Bibliography (descriptions in the APA standard). 
  5. The text should be supplemented with a short information about the authors, including their e-mail address and telephone number.
  6. Each text passes the review procedure described on the website. The waiting time for a decision is about a month from the submission of the text. After this deadline, the author gets the answer whether the text will be published. The publication is waiting for up to 6 months - depending on the queue of texts. The decision to publish the text is an independent decision of the Editorial Board.
  7. The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit the texts approved for printing.
  8. No royalties are paid for the publication. 
  9. The fee for publishing an article in a journal is PLN 1,500 for an article in Polish or PLN 2,000 for an article in English. The fee is intended to cover part of the costs of the publishing process (editorial and technical development, language verification of the article in English, typesetting and layout, printing) and open access. All published articles will be available in open access mode on the journal's website within 14 days from the date of publication of the journal in the printed version. The authors of articles qualified for publication are required to pay the fee to the account:
    55 1020 4900 0000 8302 3157 4698
  10. The authors of the publication should disclose the contribution of every person to the publication, while the main responsibility for disclosing these data rests with the person submitting the publication. In the case of texts with several authors, it is required to give the percentage of each co-author in the text creation.
  11. The authors should inform the editors about the funding sources for the publication, the contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities.
  12. Ghostwriting, guest autorship, and plagiarism are a manifestation of scientific misconduct and all detected cases will be documented and unmasked, including notifying the relevant entities.
  13. This Code of Ethical Conduct has been adopted by the journal.
  14. The statistical editor has the right to suspend the publication of a text containing gross statistical errors.

Bibliographical descriptions in the APA standard