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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2023.4.3
JEL: Q52, M21

The conditions for the development of low-carbon logistics in small and medium-sized enterprises

The postulate of reducing CO2 emissions while maintaining economic efficiency is part of the conditions for the functioning of modern enterprises, also in the area of logistics. In the case of the largest enterprises, the transformation process towards low-emission solutions seems to be easier mainly due to the resources they have. Green transformation for smaller enterprises may turn out to be much more difficult, which is undoubtedly a consequence of the specific characteristics of these enterprises. The aim of the article is to identify the conditions for the development of low-carbon logistics in small and medium-sized enterprises and to identify possible changes that have occurred in this area in the post-pandemic period. The article is based on empirical research conducted in a group of 200 small and medium-sized enterprises in 2021 and 2023.

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Keywords: low-carbon logistics; CO2 emissions; small and medium-sized enterprise



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