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DOI: 0000-0003-2154-232X
JEL: C610, D230, L140

The Make or Buy problem considering forklift fleets

The aim of the paper is to present the mathematical model for the selection of the fleet acquisition strategy considering forklifts. The basis for the presented considerations constitutes the Make or Buy analysis, allowing for a decision if it should be a company's own, in-house fleet (bought, leased, credited), or outside one (short- or long-term rented). The discussed Make or Buy problem is extended in the paper to its Make and Buy version that takes into account mixed solutions, i.e. fleets composed of company's own and outside forklifts at the same time. All the above taking into account a total, annual fleet exploitation costs, including components specific for forklifts rental, where rental fees constitute fixed costs. The comprehensive mathematical model presented in the paper allows for the precise calculation of the indicated total, annual fleet exploitation costs. The paper is completed with a broad and detailed computational experiment presenting practical application of the model using a real-life input data. The detailed and precise conclusions concerning the selection of a forklift fleet acquisition strategy are drown as well.

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Keywords: internal transport; fleet; forklift; make or buy; outsourcing



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