A claim assignment agreement as a source of legal interest within the meaning of Art. 28 of the Code of Administrative Procedure Critical commentary to the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of 30 June 2022 (I OPS 1/22)
The subject of the gloss is a critical assessment of the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of June 30, 2022 (I OPS 1/22). In the voted verdict, the Supreme Administrative Court assumed that the claim assignment agreement itself, the subject of which is a claim for damages for the deduction of property ownership as a result of an event or act from the public law sphere, does not create the aforementioned claim on the part of the buyer, the attribute of the party within the meaning of art. 28 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, and the source of the legal interest referred to in the above-mentioned the norm is a norm of generally applicable law, and not the effects of a legal act performed by a civil law entity. The consequence of this is, in fact, the inadmissibility of - within the meaning of the adjudicating panel - the acquisition of a claim for damages, which is vested in Art. 128 sec. 1 u.g.n., by way of syngular succession. In the authors' opinion, these theses require in-depth, critical reflection.
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