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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.9.2
JEL: K22

Contracting authority's liability towards subcontractors under the Public Procurement Law – prerequisites, scope and legal nature

The aim of the article is to determine the prerequisites, scope, as well as the legal nature of the contracting authority's liability for payment of due remuneration to subcontractors resulting from the provisions of the Public Procurement Law (Article 465 in connection with Article 464). It is particularly associated with answering the question of whether the contracting authority and the contractor are jointly and severally liable towards subcontractors or in solidum? The further objective is to examine the systemic relationships between the aforementioned provisions of the PPL and the provisions of the Civil Code (Article 6471, Article 366 and subsequent articles of the Civil Code) establishing analogous liability of the investor (including the contracting authority) for payment of due remuneration to subcontractors in construction contracts. This raises the question of whether this relationship is determined by the principle of lex specialis derogat legi generali, or if there is a concurrence of legal regimes? Resolving these issues is of significant importance from a doctrinal point of view, and also affects the interpretation of the aforementioned provisions of the law, and thus the effectiveness of protecting subcontractors' claims.

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Keywords: subcontractors; protection of subcontractor's claims; contracting authority's liability



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