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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.10.8
JEL: K22, K23

Commentary to the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of April 22nd, 2021, no III SA/WA/745/21. Voluntary or compulsory redemption of shares?

In the commented judgment, the Provincial Administrative Court considered the differences between the voluntary and compulsory redemption of shares in the share capital of a limited liability company. The Court held that the compulsory redemption of shares was of an ostensible nature in the meaning of Article 83 of the Civil Code in connection with Article 199a § 1 and 2 of the Tax Code, because — according to the Court — the compulsory redemption masked the real transaction, which was the voluntary redemption of shares. This finding is ill-founded, because the actions performed by the parties in the case at hand do not satisfy the prerequisites for the ostensibility required by Article 83, and the allegedly "concealed" voluntary redemption was not performed at all (inter alia due to the lack of an agreement to sell the redeemed shares to the company, which would have been performed in the required form). It is also incorrect to classify the performed redemption as voluntary redemption, inter alia, because there was no "consent" of the shareholder to the redemption in the form specified in Article 199 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code. The compulsory redemption provided for in the articles of association was carried out in accordance with the actual intentions of the company.

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Keywords: redemption of shares; ostensible compulsory redemption; voluntary redemption




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