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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.6.2
JEL: K15, K20, L20, L21, L22

Is there a need to separate under commercial and company law the law of family enterprises and family companies? General remarks from the perspective of German and Austrian law

This article opens a series of articles on the need to separate under Polish commercial and company law the law of family enterprises and family companies, as it is postulated in the German and Austrian corporate law doctrine. This article draws attention to the economic importance of enterprises and family companies in Poland, Germany and Austria, discusses the state of recognition of this issue in German, Austrian and Polish doctrine, and presents two basic definitional approaches to the issue of enterprises and family companies: the notion of an enterprise and a family company in a broad and in the strict sense. The confrontation of these two definitions of an enterprise and a family company leads to the conclusion that for understanding, analyzing and exploring the issues of family companies, the concept of a family company in the strict sense is essential and authoritative, which refers to the essence of family companies and the subjective element constituting them, which is the will of the founder/founders of a family business to run and continue the company for the next generations as a family business in a way that ensures its independence and multi-generational durability.

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Keywords: family business; family company; family foundation; enterprise succession; entrepreneur succession; company law; commercial law




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Ustawa z 23.04.1964 r. Kodeks cywilny (t.j. Dz.U. z 2020 r., poz. 1740 ze zm.).

Ustawa z 15.09.2000 r. Kodeks spółek handlowych (t.j. Dz.U. z 2022 r., poz. 1467 ze zm.).

Ustawa z 26.01.2023 r. o fundacji rodzinnej (Dz.U. z 2023 r., poz. 326).

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