Judicial review of a defective judgment — critical commentary on the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of 14.06.2019 r. (I GSK 598//19)
The subject of the ruling was the legal assessment of the cassatory complaint lodged against the judgment of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw of November 30, 2018 (reference number V SA/Wa 1780/18). The controlled decision of the court of first instance went beyond the limits of its jurisdiction in the analysed case. The judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court can be considered only from a formal point of view. The Supreme Administrative Court dismissed of a complaint claiming that the cassation was inadmissible. However, the way in which he did so and how he assessed the ruling of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw raise huge doubts as to the completeness of procedural regulations.
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Postanowienie NSA z 14.06.2019 r., I GSK 598/19, CBOSA
Wyrok WSA w Warszawie z 30.11.2018 r., V Sa/Wa 1780/18, CBOSA.
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