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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.7.2
JEL: K23

Legal situation of underground routes and underground tourist facilities

The interior of the earth's crust is sometimes used for tourism, recreational, therapeutical and even sports, entertainment or other purposes. Example includes closed excavations of underground mining plants, caves and other similar objects, especially of a military nature. Their legal situation is extremely varied and full of doubts. Most of the requirements of the Geological and Mining Act apply, mutatis mutandis, to the use (for the purposes described above) of underground excavations workings of liquidated mining plants. The space within which the said objects are located is not covered by land ownership; it is the subject of a mining property right vested in the State Treasury. There are no grounds to apply these solutions to other underground facilities. In most cases, they are located within the spatial boundaries of land properties. An additional difficulty is the fact that it is extremely difficult to establish the criteria separating the space covered by the boundaries of land properties from those constituting the subject of mining property. Both of the above-mentioned categories of underground objects may qualify for monument protection, but they do not always fill into the division of monuments into "movable" and "immovable" (real property) objects. Therefore, it is doubtful whether they can be protected as monuments at all.

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Keywords: underground tourist facilities; liquidated mining plant; other underground facilities; admissibility to be recognized as a monument; spatial protection borders





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