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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.11.3
JEL: K32, H77, H81, Q42

Modified rules for granting and accounting thermomodernisation bonuses

The amendment to the provisions of the Act on supporting thermomodernisation and renovations made on April 12, 2020 significantly extends the scope of application of the thermomodernisation bonus, which is an instrument to support investments resulting in a reduction in thermal energy demand in residential buildings. The most important changes to the legislation consist in resigning from some of the existing restrictions on the amount of the bonus, introducing the possibility of increasing the bonus for the installation of renewable energy micro-installations in buildings and additional financial support for works performed in the external walls of large-panel buildings. The study includes a detailed analysis of legal regulations and their assessment relating to the needs as well as legal and financial consequences of granting thermomodernisation bonuses in the changed legal standing. It has been shown that the thermomodernisation bonus plays a special role in promoting pro-ecological investments, and its legal status is determined by the close relations with bank loans granted for the implementation of thermomodernisation projects, the source of financing the bonus from the Thermomodernisation and Renovation Fund supplied from the state budget and the goals of thermomodernisation investments aimed at reducing the demand for energy produced from traditional sources with a negative impact on the natural environment. It was found that the thermomodernisation bonus can be an important instrument to motivate owners and managers of residential buildings, local heating networks and local heat sources to take pro-ecological actions.

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Keywords: thermal energy; investment and thermomodernisation bonus; bank loan; residential buildings




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Pozostałe źródła/Other sources

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