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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.10.5
JEL: K20
Mgr Krzysztof Fal ORCID: 0000-0002-5685-1352 , e-mail: krzysfal|| |krzysfal|

Regulatory sandbox as an instrument supporting innovation in the economy

Many regulated sectors are facing challenges in terms of development of innovative solutions unlocking their potential to engage new technologies in their businesses. Experience gained in the recent years has reviled significant potential for applying regulatory sandboxes to multiple sector such as financial sector, telecommunication sector as well as to energy sector. Regulatory sandboxes provide these sectors with a tailored solutions to check feasibility of new products as well as ability to comply with the applicable regulations. Bringing benefits of the regulatory sandboxes requires their careful design in terms of a their scope as well as eligibility of entities to participate, in order to avoid any 'side-effects' undermining efficient functioning of the regulated markets. Aim of this article is to provide overview of approaches to the regulatory sandboxes in the FinTech, medical and energy sectors.

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Keywords: regulated sectors; regulations; anticipatory regulations; regulatory sandboxes; FinTech; financial sector; finance; medical sector; energy sector; energy transformation





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