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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.2.3
JEL: G21, K15

Reimbursement in case of non-contractual use of the monetary capital in the event of annulment (ex tunc) of the credit agreement (part 1)

The first part of this article is about banks` condiction claim regarding the reimbursement for non-contractual use of capital provided by banks in the situation of acknowledgement of invalidity (ex tunc) of credit agreement. The aim of the article is to show — based on the analysis of the existing judicature — that if a credit agreement is declared invalid ex tunc, the bank, as part of its condition, is entitled to reimbursement for noncontractual use of the capital by the borrower. This issue arose on the basis of the jurisprudence concerning mortgage loan agreements denominated or indexed to a foreign currency. This approach to the subject is the result of the fact that the problem which is the subject of this paper has been created on the basis of court case law (where it was "initiated" in a way by the judgment of the Court of Appeals in Białystok on 20 February 2020; reference: I ACa 635/19) and is a strictly practical problem; thus, its solution should be drawn from the hitherto judicial output. This article discusses the doubts that have arisen as well as proposes specific solutions.

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Keywords: non-contractual use of capital; unjust enrichment; invalidity of credit agreement; condiction claim





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Ustawa z 23.04.1964 r. — Kodeks cywilny (Dz.U. z 2020 r. poz. 1740).

Ustawa z 29.08.1997 r. — Prawo bankowe (Dz.U. z 2019 r. poz. 2357 ze zm.).

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