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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.1.5
JEL: K21, K29, K40
Maria Cudowska ORCID: 0000-0002-8907-4211 , e-mail: m.cudowska|| |m.cudowska|

Remarks on the arbitrability of corporate disputes in Poland

The primary goal of the paper is to elaborate on some of the recent changes of arbitration laws in Poland. The paper tracks selected measures relating to corporate disputes on an international level and compares and contrasts them with Polish regulations pertinent to the concept of arbitrability. The underlying objective of the paper is to highlight the novelties in Polish law, and how they correspond to the current international trends in the realm of arbitration. The paper highlights the importance of implementing ADR in a corporate setting. As evidenced by case law, corporate disputes are prone of having a significant impact on the functioning of a business enterprise, the market, and the economy. For these reasons, implementing the idea of dispute resolution into corporate governance may contribute to a shift in the way of doing business in Poland. The applied methodology is based on an analysis of selected Polish and international legislative acts pertinent to arbitration, supplemented by statistical data, viewpoints and opinion present in the doctrine of arbitration law.

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Keywords: arbitrability; ADR (alternative dispute resolution); corporate disputes; corporate governance; shareholder's rights



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Akty prawne/Legal Acts

Act of 17 November 1964 as later amended — The Polish Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Law 2019 item 1460 with later amendments); ustawa z 17.11.1964 r. — Kodeks postępowania cywilnego (Dz.U. z 2019 r., poz. 1460 z późn. zm.).

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Inne źródła/Other sources

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