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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.8.2
JEL: G21, H53, H81, K39

Repayable financing by the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego of investments covered by the government housing support program — selected issues

defined subjective and objective boundaries using methods appropriate for banking activities. It is a program of supporting the development of social rental housing, its significant part is dedicated to people with moderate incomes who are not interested in satisfying their housing needs by acquiring the ownership right to housing units. The aim of the article is to analyze and to evaluate the legal regulations regarding the repayable financing mechanism of the so-called investment and construction projects carried out by social housing initiatives, housing associations and municipal companies. The legal structure of the repayable financing mechanism, uses the form of a loan granted on preferential terms, relating primarily to the principles of its interest rate and the repayment period. The quantitative and quality effects achieved in the middle of the 10-year implementation period of this program confirm that the legislator's intervention in the construction of the repayable financing mechanism was justified and resulted in an increase in investors' interest. Maintaining this trend requires, however, further improvement of legal regulations, which constitute an important element of the National Housing Program adopted in 2016. 

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Keywords: government program; social housing construction; investment and construction project; loan; preferences


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