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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2020.1.5
JEL: K22

Resignation of a management board member after amendment to the Commercial Companies Code

The subject of the article is a new mode of resignation of a management board member. It is regulated in article 202, 30056 , 368 of The Commercial Company Code. The law concerns the situation when as a result of resignation non seat in the management board is filled. The author highlights new rules pertaining to limited liability company, simple joint-stock company and joint-stock company. He underlines that in the case of the first two types of companies the resignation should be addressed to shareholders and the member should convene meeting of shareholders (general meeting). The resignation will not enter into force until the day following the day on which the general meeting was held. In a joint-stock company the rules are different, because the resignation must be submitted to the supervisory board first. If non seats in the supervisory board is filled, it must be addressed to shareholders. The author focuses on problems with practical application of the new regulation.

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Keywords: management board member; resignation


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Journal of Business Law 1/2020
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