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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.2.1
JEL: K23

The European Union resource adequacy assessment as an instrument to support the development of renewable energy sources and the achievement of decarbonisation targets

Due to the growing mix of different types of dispersed generation, energy storage, energy efficiency and new promising technologies, in combination with traditional large scale fossil fuel electricity generation, ensuring reliability of electricity systems is increasingly challenging. The electricity demand is also in constant change because of the increased frequency of extreme weather events. In this regulatory environment, the European Union has proposed a single regulatory model to assess the security of the electricity system, in which a key role is played by long-term resource adequacy assessment. The aim of the article is to show this model, indicating what the policy implications are for the development of renewable energy sources and decarbonisation targets.

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Keywords: European Union; resource adequacy; electricity market; decarbonization



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