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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2020.3.5
JEL: K12, K22, K23

The scope of register court cognition in respect of declarations of intent made under the influence of error or threat

The article is focused on the cognition of the registry
court in cases in which one of the participants has made a
declaration of evasion of the legal effects of a declaration
of his intent, due to the fact that it was made under the
influence of an error or threat. In this context, it is
important whether the court is entitled to examine the
effectiveness of such a statement, to what extent it can
conduct evidentiary proceedings, who is burdened with
demonstrating its effectiveness. It is also important how
the court verifies the truthfulness of the documents
submitted in register proceedings.

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Keywords: registration proceedings; material examination; declaration of intent; error; threat


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