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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.11.4
JEL: K22, K29

The specificity of the French concept of a group of companies — analysis based on the judgment of the French Supreme Court of 4th February 1985 in the Rozenblum case

The issue and specificity of a group of companies in French law was shaped on the basis of the judgment in the Rozenblum case of 1985. In this paper the author not only translates the most important original content of the judgment, but also analyzes it (also in historical way) from the perspective of the specificity of the French legal system. This specificity of the entire legal system, expressed in a rather original way of editing the codes or the extremely important role of jurisprudence, may explain the difficulties in direct implementation of the described concept of a group of companies under other legal orders. Thus, the aim of this article is not only to analyze and comment on the original wording of the above-cited judgment, but also to analyze the previously un-cited part of the French doctrine, which presents the judgment in question in a new French-language perspective that has not yet been the subject of in-depth analyzes. The above will also allow for the verification of the thesis about difficulties in direct implementation of the above-mentioned concepts in other legal orders due to the specificity of the French legal system, very strongly influenced by the role of practice and jurisprudence in the law-making process.

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Keywords: French law; group of companies; Rozenblum



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