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Best practices of urban foresight in the process of city development management in the light of the smart city concept

The purpose of city management is to achieve set development goals. The effectiveness of city management translates not only into the achievement of the city's development goals, but also into a sense of quality of life in the city. Nowadays, city management using the smart city idea has become a requirement for making decisions on the direction of city development, as well as on the principles to be followed in decisionmaking processes related to their functioning. A key issue is the selection of appropriate instruments for achieving the objectives set. This implies the need to develop a set of rules defining how to control and guide the city's development and which principles should be applied in relations with all stakeholders. The question of how and to what extent the city's resources should be used in order to improve the quality of life is also important. When taking any decision concerning the functioning of a city, the potential effects of that decision on all spheres of city life should be taken into account. Many publications point to the need to develop an integrated and holistic approach to the smart city. Researchers emphasise the need to identify approaches that integrate urban transformation and involve a wide range of stakeholders and actors both in defining the problem and in finding solutions and conditions in developing shared visions. The response to those needs seems to be urban foresight, the essence of which is to create and build a vision of the future in cooperation between city authorities and a wide group of stakeholders from the local community. In the search for relations between urban foresight and the smart city concept, attention is drawn in the literature to the growing interest of city leaders and local stakeholders in smart city initiatives, which make extensive use of technology to solve urban problems. The aim of the paper is to identify best practices in the possibilities of incorporating foresight research into the implementation process of the smart city concept. The paper adopts a review and conceptual character of the scientific study.

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Keywords: urban foresight; smart city; managing urban development



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