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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2019.11.1
JEL: M21, Q57

Ecologistics as a response of enterprises to the environmental crisis

The author points to the essence and importance of ecologistics in enterprises and supply chains in the context of the growing environmental crisis. Based on the assumption that bottom-up initiatives of individual enterprises, which have their source in the implementation of corporate social responsibility, as well as in striving to improve competitiveness are able to realistically and faster than system projects affect the elimination of the greatest threats to the natural environment, the author presents solutions in the field of ecologistics, which can be applied in any enterprise regardless of its status. The purpose of the discussion undertaken in the paper is to present the author's model of the level of development of ecologistics and the system of evaluation of activities in this field in the enterprise and the supply chain.

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Keywords: ecologistics; green logistics; environmental crisis; carbon foodprint; ecologistics development model


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