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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.5.1
JEL: M31, 030, 032, 035

Innovations management directed on the value co-creating in the scope of partner relationships

All enterprises are located in a specific environment, whose elements have a significant impact on their functioning and development. Enterprises create products that meet customer needs. In return, customers provide economic value, information, knowledge and experience. Therefore, there are constant interactions between enterprises and elements of the environment (clients), which should be rationally managed to maintain the necessary balance. Enterprises should react to turbulent changes in the environment by introducing internal changes. These changes take the form of innovations that provide specific value for customers. Customers must be included in the process of co-creating innovation. Shaping mutual relations should have a model character. Innovation activities must be managed in a manner similar to the management in the case of other functional areas of an enterprise. Managers' attention should be focused not only on creating product and process innovations, but also on managerial innovations aimed at creating social innovation capital and an innovative experience environment. It is about strengthening the market position of the enterprise through rational innovation management. In practice, there is a significant gap between the postulated state and reality. That is why the purpose of the publication is to try to find an answer to the general question: can innovation management be conducive to strengthening the market position of anenterprise?

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Keywords: innovation; marketing; enterprise; value; knowledge; management



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