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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2021.1.1
JEL: M12, J, 24, L20

Key competences of changing organizations — new challenges on the labour market

The article is synthesizing and conceptual. The aim of it is to identify the key competences of the organization, whichin the conditions of permanent change determine its survival and development. Competencies are understood as the key abilities and skills of an organization based on its resources. The author attempts to confirm the thesis that there are currently three fundamental competences resulting from the requirements set by the environment. The first is the ability to manage generational diversity as a response to demographic challenges. The second competence is the ability to manage relationships with employees by building their commitment and loyalty. This competence is the organization's response to the processes taking place on the Polish labour market. The third competence is the ability to manage employee competencies in the era of the technological revolution known as 4.0.

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Keywords: competency management; generational diversity management; relations with employees; labour market



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