Market aspects of sustainable construction on the example of The Crystal building
Nowadays, striving for practical implementation of the sustainable development concept more and more often determines the directions of market institutions' activities and, above all, the innovations they implement. These organisations pay special attention not only to the optimisation of production and distribution processes, but also to the functionality and efficiency of the buildings in which their offices or shops are located. It is worth pointing out that buildings can fulfil the triple bottom line concept — contributing to achieving economic, social and environmental goals by market institutions. A modern organisation, when building its factory or office buildings, should pay attention not only to the visual attractiveness of the building, but also to its functionality, low maintenance costs, social usefulness and minimising negative impact on the natural environment. The main aim of the article is to present the features that meet the requirements of sustainable development on the example of The Crystal building and to indicate the market benefits resulting from the use of this type of solutions. Particular attention was paid to economic, social and environmental profits. As part of the analysis, the case study method was used, based on the use of secondary data. Based on the considerations, it was found that The Crystal building is distinguished not only by its visually unique design, but also it is an integral part of its surroundings. It can serve as an inspiration for market institutions that strive to deliver more sustainable products.
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