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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.2.1
JEL: D83, M31, M54

Place of marketing innovations in the organization's development policy

One of the basic features of modern industrial and service organizations is the ability to systematically create and implement innovations with the active participation of clients in these processes. It is therefore reasonable to base the organization management policy on the client's perspective. It enables both the acquisition of value and its co-creation with the active participation of clients and the systematic use of their knowledge and experience through interactions occurring many times at any place and time. In business practice, the majority of organizations operating in Poland are managed from perspective of an organization, which leads to relatively low innovativeness of business entities. Therefore, the article attempts to assess the level of innovativeness of industrial and service organizations through the prism of the basic measure, which is the share of innovative organizations in their total number. In particular, an attempt was made to answer the following questions: 1) are Polish industrial and service organizations innovative? 2) what is the structure of implemented innovations? 3) what is the dynamics of implemented innovations? 4) are marketing innovations reflected in the organization's development policy? 5) what is structure of marketing innovations? The purpose of the publication is also to check the research thesis that the commonness of implementing marketing innovations is relatively low and diversified in industrial and service organizations. It depends mainly on the size of economic organizations and types of innovations. The implemented innovations are rather the result of thinking from the perspective of the organization rather than thinking from the perspective of the clients.

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Keywords: innovation; marketing; organisation; knowledge; management



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Journal of Marketing and Market Studies 2/2020
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