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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.8.1
JEL: A11, L21, L22

Relational aspects of academic entrepreneurship from the perspective of entities involved in cooperation between the university and business

The issue of academic entrepreneurship is widely explored in management sciences. There is a visible evolution present in the approach to academic entrepreneurship and, consequently, in its definition. In this area, the principles typical of market behavior, based on reciprocity and knowledge of the needs of individual parties to the exchange, are visible. The aim of the article is to identify the relational scope of academic entrepreneurship (factors, tools and barriers) perceived from the perspective of support entities, and to systematize knowledge in the relational context of academic entrepreneurship. The method of research was IDI with academic entrepreneurs and representatives of support institutions, creating the broadly understood ecosystem of academic entrepreneurship.

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Keywords: academic entrepreneurship; quality of relations; ecosystem supporting academic entrepreneurship



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