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Merchandising solutions and standards in Polish discount stores (by example on the "Biedronka" chain stores)

Nowadays, each of us, wherever he may be, will always be influenced by external impulses. Their purposeful use fits into the field of marketing. Merchandising, which falls within its scope, includes a set of tools thanks to which store owners can influence the purchasing behavior of consumers. Merchandising techniques give a kind of psychological advantage over consumers, which is used to increase store turnover. One of them is "Biedronka", chosen by the vast majority of Poles. "Biedronka" is a leader among discount stores and continuous modernizations not only contribute to its success, but also increase its advantage over others. The purpose of the work is to show the standards and merchandising solutions used in the "Biedronka" chain stores and show, that they are not universal, but suited to the location and demographic conditions. The research method consists of two parts. The first of these requires a literature review about the significance of merchandising and the techniques and standard solutions used in various types of stores. This allows for further - practical - analysis of the "Biedronka" chain stores.

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Keywords: merchandising; "Biedronka"; discount store; retail trade; consumer behaviour



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Journal of Marketing and Market Studies 6/2020
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