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The role and importance of the brand in the process of purchasing dairy products on the example of Cooperative Dairy "Spomlek" in Radzyń Podlaski

The authors describe the role and significance of the brand in the process of
purchasing dairy products, especially yellow cheese, on the example of Cooperative
Dairy "Spomlek" in Radzyń Podlaski. The purpose of the article is to identify the
concept and category of the brand, clarify the stages and role of the brand in the
purchasing process and learn opinions on the factors that consumers are guided by
when buying yellow cheese. The authors present the results of their own research,
during which they asked the respondents, among others what elements decide about
the counting of the cheese into the brand product, what factors are the buyers guiding
when buying the Serenada brand cheese, what amount they are able to pay for the
branded cheese. It turns out that respondents when buying yellow cheese most often
took into account its taste, product recognition and attractive price. On the other hand,
the word brand is most often associated with a high quality guarantee and a graphic
symbol, and it is very important for them in the case of the cheese brand.

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Keywords: ibrand; purchase process; dairy products


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Journal of Marketing and Market Studies 3/2020
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