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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.7.3
JEL: A22, M15, M16, O14

University digital transformation in the face of COVID-19 – Kozminski University case study

The COVID-19 pandemic has limited the ability to meet. Colleges and universities have been forced to suspend all activities in the traditional form. However, they should continue their teaching activities online. The article attempts to explain the phenomenon of digital transformation of a university. This transformation involved changing the management system, the way classes are conducted and giving a new direction to the organization, while meeting the needs of all stakeholders. The phenomenon was explained on the example of Kozminski University (KU). KU activities can be a model used by other universities in the process of digitization, and also - open new, global opportunities for academic centers.

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Keywords: digital transformation; digitalization; e-learning; remote education



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