ISSN 0032-6186 - monthly magazine published and distributed in paper version which is the original version.
Labour and Social Security Journal has been the oldest – published since 1959 – Polish journal dedicated to legal and social aspects of:
- individual and collective labour law, including other forms of employment,
- social security and health insurance,
- employment, including employment of foreigners and handicapped people,
- personnel policy,
- working conditions,
- social matters.
Labour and Social Security Journal is a scientific magazine and was awarded 100 points (according to the Communication from the Minister of Science of 05/01/2024 on the list of scientific magazines and reviewed materials from international conferences with attributed numbers of points).
The magazine is present in the following databases:
- CEJSH (,
- BazEkon (,
- PBN (,
- Index Copernicus - IC Journals Master List (
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