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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.6.5
JEL: K39

Bridging pension: removal of the condition of termination of employment relationship as an example of improper reception of the legal construction

In the paper I analyse the reasons for and effects of the removal effective April 20, 2022 of the termination of the employment relationship as a condition for acquiring the right to a bridge pension and its replacement with the construction of suspension of the right to an old-age pension, known from the general pension. The deliberations lead to a conclusion about a lack of sufficient reflection on the change, which has accidentally deprived some of the interested parties an entitlement to compensation, and in relation to the bridge pension has not led to any significant improvement in the situation of the interested parties. Next, I indicate solutions that could be applied and formulate requirements that should be taken into account by the legislator in the future whenadopting legal constructions.

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Keywords: bridging pension; pension; legislation; compensation



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