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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2023.11.3
JEL: K31
Jacek Męcina ORCID: 0000-0002-6972-2912 , e-mail: j.mecina| | |j.mecina|
Piotr Skorupa ORCID: 0000-0002-1700-3078 , e-mail: p.skorupa4|| |p.skorupa4|

Codification of self-employment – a labor law perspective (part I)

The article discusses the main factors determining the scope of employment in labor law and the model of work provided by self-employed people from the perspective of creating a target model of statutory selfemployment (codification). The analysis includes an overview of the relationship between selfemployment and the labor law system, the causes of the impact of self-employment on the labor market, and thus discusses the general approach to regulating self-employment in the EU and the potential directions of regulating self-employment in Poland. In particular, an attempt was made to answer whether the codification of self-employment as a legal basis for employment separate from labor law is the right direction and what social and economic factors determine the choice of the form of employment subject to labor law and the scope of work performed by self-employed people.

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Keywords: Self-employment; codification; dependent selfemployment; non-employment employment



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