Codification of self-employment – a labor law perspective (part II)
The article addresses the main issues determining the model of legislative codification of self-employment, in particular dependent self-employment. The scope of the analysis also includes the consequences arising from the fact that self-employment is an institution of contract law, a fundamental part of private law. This requires an understanding of a number of risks inherent in an inadequate codification of self-employment, shifting the burden of its regulation exclusively to the area of classical labour law institutions, without taking into consideration the principles of private law as a whole. The de lege ferenda section attempts to answer the question of the desirable form of the codification of the self-employment as a legal basis of the employment that is separate from labour law. In this regard, a model is proposed based on an analysis of the risks arising from an inadequate model for the codification of selfemployment, particularly in the variant of the nonCodex Act strengthening the separation of selfemployment from labour law.
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