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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.3.4
JEL: K23, K31

Designation of professional soldiers and functionaries of state services as academic teachers at military and state service higher education institutions in Poland

This article discusses basic legal problems relating to the designation of professional soldiers and
functionaries of state services, e.g. the Police, the State Fire Service or the Prison Service, as
academic teachers at military and state service higher education institutions. The status of parties to
such an employment relationship is governed by the provisions of the Act on higher education and
science, the provisions of law pertaining to, respectively, the military service of professional soldiers
or functionaries of state services and the provisions of the statutes of higher education institutions.
The specific tasks in the field of national defence and security carried out by those higher education
institutions and the complexity of the methods of legally regulating the status of the parties result in
their simultaneous performance of different roles, with the employer acting as a higher education
institution and a military unit or a unit of the relevant state service represented by the commandant-
rector and the employee acting as an academic teacher and a professional soldier or a functionary. In
comparison with civilian higher education institutions, the differences regarding the designation of
professional soldiers and functionaries of state services to the position of an academic teacher stem
primarily from: a) the manner and mode of entrusting the position, b) the qualifying requirements for
candidates, c) the requirements regarding the duty to conduct a competition procedure prior to
establishing an employmentrelationship, d) the mode of resolving disputes.

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Keywords: professional soldier; functionary of state services; academic teacher; military higher education institution; state service higher education institutio


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Labour and Social Security Journal 3/2020
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