Legal and economic implications of using remote work. An employer's perspective
The article aims to look at remote work from the employer's perspective. The considerations focus on the essence of remote work and the employer's duties related to its use. These issues raise doubts in practice It also explores the prevalence of this type of work in Poland and the economic, including managerial, consequences of its implementation in organisations. The authors found that regulations have formalised the organisation of the remote work process and the rules governing employee duties, primarily aiming to safeguard the interests of both employers and employees. Analysis of statistical data indicates that in Poland, 4–4.9% of individuals worked from home in the last decade, with a significant increase to, an average of, around 9% during the Covid-19 pandemic. The varied amount of remote work in the PKD 2007 sections resulted mainly from the nature of the work performed and staff shortages. Post-Covid the surveyed employers primarily adopted two different solutions: abandoning remote work and permitting occasional remote work or regulating remote/hybrid work in detail (based on applicable legislation), allowing for monitoring employees' duties. In general, employers were more inclined to adopt hybrid work over exclusively remote work.
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