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On Article 16(1e) of the Act on the social insurance system – critically

The author critically analyses Article 16(1e) of the Social Security Act. This provision, as an element of the so-called Polish Order, is intended as an instrument to counteract black employment. It consists in imposing the burden of financing the entire social insurance contributions on the payer in the event of the discovery of illegal employment or underestimation of the assessment basis for contributions. However, analysis of the provision leads to the conclusion that it does not apply to civil law contracts at all. It may also not apply to the situation of failure to register for social insurance if the formal and legal requirements for the conclusion of an employment contract have themselves been met. Thus, the provision may not fulfil its purpose: affected insured persons may continue to be afraid to report irregularities in this respect in order not to risk having to reimburse part of their social security contributions.

Keywords: social security; illegal employment; black economy; social insurance contributions


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