On the protection of claims of particularly protected employees in the event of termination of the employment relationship
Article 7555 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which was introduced in June by the Act on bridging pensions, amending certain other Acts, introduces important extensions of the mechanism of protecting the claims of particularly protected employees related to claims for the ineffectiveness of termination or returning the employee to work. Due to its essential importance for the functioning of employment relationship, the new provision requires deeper reflection sine ira et studio in the dogmatic aspect. It is doubtlessly a manifestation of the realisation of the protective function of procedural labour law, whose aim is to strengthen the position of employees who are particularly vulnerable to the termination of employment relationship in the course of long-lasting court proceedings. In the light of this normative regulation, the question arises whether this function has not been unjustifiably and excessively extended and whether its consequences will not result in aspecific employee immunity for certain groups of employees. This might, as a result, disturb the homeostasis between the parties to the employment relationship.
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