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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.12.2
JEL: K310, J800

On the role of the ILO in ensuring decent work in the world of production offshoring

Production offshoring is a popular business strategy which enables the companies to acquire competitive advantages, in particular by reducing operating costs, especially labour costs. Application thereof entails the risk that, in pursuit of economic goals, the companies would take one step too far and tacitly accept violations of the fundamental rights of those employed by their subcontractors, especially in developing countries, where the level of legal protection is still relatively low. One of the most important challenges of the modern world is to ensure decent work for these people. The question posed in this article is how to achieve it and whether the International Labour Organisation — created to promote fundamental human rights and improve working and living conditions — will play the key role in this process.

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Keywords: production offshoring; global supply chains; decent work; International Labour Organisation


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