Period of work in a Member State of the European Union and the right to bridging old-age pension – the latest case-law
The author presents the previous jurisprudence of the Supreme Court regarding the issue of including periods of work in a Member State of the European Union as a period of work in special conditions or of a special nature for the purpose of acquiring the right to bridging old-age pension under the provisions of national (Polish) law. She presents the last judgment of the Supreme Court, in which the previous interpretation of the law in this regard was abandoned. In the judgment was assumed, that the lack of a pension system in another Member State equalizing the legal situation of a person performing work in special conditions and granting special pension rights on this account is not an obstacle in qualifying work performed abroad as work in special conditions. Therefore, if the period of work abroad in a Member State of the European Union meets the conditions set out in Annex 1 to the Act on the Bridging old-age Pension, it is included in the period of work in special conditions referred to in Art. 4 point 6 of the Act.
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