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Protection against violence in the place of traineeship for the unemployed – Polish standards in the light of ILO Convention No. 190


The article is devoted to the issue of legal protection against violence for the unemployed during traineeships, which are among the most common basic forms of vocational activation. This issue is of particular importance in the context of ILO Convention No. 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, in which trainees are explicitly identified alongside employees as a group whose protection against violence and harassment should be guaranteed. The unclear legal nature of the traineeship, as well as the complexity of the relationship between the three entities involved in its implementation, gives rise to considerations on the protection model adopted by the Polish legislator and its compliance with ILO Convention No. 190, which, if ratified, will set standards for protection against violence in the world of work in Poland.

Keywords: unemployed; traineeship for the unemployed; violence in the world of work; harassment; sexual harassment; mobbing


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