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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.5.1
JEL: K31

Work-life balance and coronacrisis. A few notes about processes and their consequences

This article addresses issues that emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic. The issues of care by persons performing work have revealed their importance for the functioning of the market, although they remain invisible and largely underestimated as important for the functioning of the market and, above all, society. The author does not answer the question what to do next after the pandemic, but indicates the sphere of care as the approach to which requires a fundamental revision. Anyway, and to other issues that seemed to be the most important so far.

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Keywords: This article addresses issues that emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic. The issues of care by persons performing work have revealed their importance for the functioning of the market; although they remain invisible and largely underestimated as important for the functioning of the market and; above all; society. The author does not answer the question what to do next after the pandemic; but indicates the sphere of care as the approach to which requires a fundamental revision. Anyway; and to other issues that seemed to be the most important so far.



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