Mjr dr inż. Dawid Orłowski
ORCID: 0000-0002-1221-1492
Officer serving at the War Studies University as an assistant. He was graduated from the Military University of Technology in 2012 and received his Ph.D. from the War Studies University in 2021. Currently, he serves as Head of the Quantitative Methods and Information Technology Applications Department at the Institute of Management in the Faculty of Management and Command. His academic interests are pursued in the disciplines of management and quality sciences, as well as in security sciences. A very special research area of his interest is the implementation of new technologies in supporting process management in organizations, human resource management, as well as operational research in the various areas of organizational functioning.
DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2024.3.7
JEL: L10, L19, M10, M19