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Mgr Ewa Bizoń-Pożyczka
ORCID: 0000-0001-5807-8466

Economist, PhD student at the University of Szczecin (Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management, Institute of Management), professionally an administration manager at a university. Her research interests include the stakeholder concept, management and sustainable development.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2024.1.6
JEL: I18, L90, O18, O44, Q56, R41

The growing crowding of city centres and the related air and noise pollution cause discomfort for residents. The use of alternative forms of transport should be promoted. The general aim of the article is to show how changing the way of traveling to an ecological one reduces the risk of road accidents while constituting an element of the green transport policy. Theoretical considerations include a literature review and the principles of sustainable development, including green transport. The empirical part examines how the Sustainable Development Goal SDG-13 titled actions in the field of climate protection (such as limiting the use of combustion cars) is related to road safety, which is part of the SDG-3 goal: good health and quality of life. A study of road accidents in Poland confirmed the thesis that the risk of being involved in a traffic accident is lower when traveling by bicycle, motorcycle or on foot compared to driving a passenger car, which may be an argument encouraging employees and residents to change their vehicle from an internal combustion passenger car to a more ecological and at the same time, it will contribute to the implementation of sustainable development goals in the environmental aspect.

Keywords: green transport; road accidents; stakeholder management; sustainable development