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Logistic system of an air operational unit performing the role of logistic support unit on the example of an air base

This article focuses on the identification of the logistics system of an aviation operational unit, focusing particularly on its role as an economic unit. Tracing and understanding logistics processes in the operational context is necessary to improve resource management, maintain combat readiness, and optimize costs. Modern aviation units, as dynamic and complex organizations, must meet various challenges, such as rapid technological changes, diverse operational requirements and growing expectations regarding flexibility and mobility. Therefore, effective logistics management becomes a key element in ensuring that these units are able to focus on their primary operational role, which is to protect borders from the air. In this context, developing the aviation operational unit as an effective economic unit becomes an important area of research. The aim of this article is to present the concept of creating and implementing a system solution involving the classification of an air base as an economic branch. This article aims to show what steps should be taken to optimize logistics activities, increase efficiency and minimize the risk of system failure.

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Keywords: logistics system of the armed forces; air base; logistic support of troops; Logistic Support Unit




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