Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 5/2013
Publication date: 2013
Place publication: Warszawa
Binding: paperback
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka 5/2013
Spis treści
Marek Kasperek
Koncepcja Lean Logistics – analiza stanu istniejącego
The concept of Lean Logistics - analysis of the condition
Both modern logistics and philosophy of Kaizen and Lean Management have common roots - Toyota Production System. Despite the common roots of their evolution during the last 60th year ran slightly different ways. Logistics has focused primarily on the business environment, Lean Management and Kazien on optimizing flows within company. Research, presented in this article, are the tools used to diagnose Kazien and Lean Management in Polish enterprises and the answer to the question whether the use of these tools would improve the functioning of logistics in the company.
Maria Rosienkiewicz
Analiza efektywności wykorzystania kryteriów informacyjnych w prognozowaniu zapotrzebowania na części zamienne
Efficiency analysis of information criteria application in spare parts demand forecasting
The paper presents a new approach to the spare parts forecasting issue – a method which combines regression modeling, information criteria and artificial neural networks ANN. The research presented in this article compares efficiency of classical methods with the artificial intelligence tool in the scope of spare parts forecasting. Artificial Neural Networks have been advocated as an alternative to traditional statistical forecasting methods. Classical methods, such as exponential smoothing or mean average, have been used for several decades in forecasting demand. However, many of these techniques may perform poorly when demand for an item is lumpy or intermittent. In the paper three concepts of using ANN in spare parts forecasting – micro, macro and hybrid – were described. The article presents also the variable selection issue, which is of a great importance in any model building.
Alina Szypulewska-Porczyńska
Wykonywanie zawodów regulowanych w Unii Europejskiej: prawo i migracje
Posting of workers in the European Union: rules and flows
The process of creating a comprehensive system for recognition of professional qualifications under a broad horizontal legal umbrella has entered into a new phase in the European Union with the submission of a legislative proposal for modernising Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications. The aim of the article is to analyse the Commission proposals in this field and in particular to answer the question how they address the problem of compatibility of different national rules with European regulations.
Komplementarność logistyki cywilnej z logistyką wojskową. Teoria i praktyka
Rynia 6-7 czerwca 2013 r.
Paweł Ślaski, Jarosław Zelkowski
Optymalizacja procesu sterowania zapasami w oparciu o grupowe zamawianie towarów
Optimization of process of stocks controling based on group ordering the goods
In the article it is proposed an innovative aspect for the process of stocks controlling. It is presented an opportunity using of nonlinear programming for the optimization of process of the group ordering the goods, which is the ‘coverage analysis’. The attention is paid for the formation of scale effect and the occurrence of trade-off relation, connected to safety of the customer needs by the minimization the general costs of maintenance the stocks.
Katarzyna Grzybowska
Spójność łańcucha dostaw – analiza problemu
Consistency of supply chain – analysis of the problem
The paper presents the one of the constitutive elements of the supply chain – consistency of the supply chain. The author issue examines the consistency of the supply chain through the use of semantic nets. The analysis helped identify the different perceptions of the same issue.
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